Question 3: How does a Learning Community differ from a Learning Management System (LMS)? Are they more expensive?
Answer: Good Question! Both LMS and Learning Communities (LC) options are organized methods for delivering instruction to learners, but they differ in what you are trying to accomplish with your training program. And NO, a LC is not more expensive.
LMS driven training is very linear. It forces all leaners to go through all training sessions in order. Sometimes this is important, other times it is irrelevant and just boring!
A LC has multiple pathways of learning, that includes LMS courses for demonstrating competency and earning certificates, but it’s also enhanced with “free range access” to online libraries, video shorts, and all types of references in different formats (documents, audio, graphics) letting the learner have direct access to information they want to access.
Here’s how Design2Train builds Learning Communities.
Instead of requiring people log into an LMS, your audiences login into the learning community portal accessed from a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device. A welcome video gives simple directions on how to locate the many resources.
The online training library is well organized and serves as the “go-to reference” and is easily refreshed and updated by designated staff with the latest new information. There are interactive elements where learners participate in discussions, take polls and surveys, and give feedback on recommending new training or special resources. When it’s time to test for competency, the learner signs into the LMS section to take the required course(s) and earn their certificate of completion. Our learning communities easily integrate with existing LMS and other online company resources.
Does your company already use Microsoft Office? We partner with a premier SharePoint team who works with us to create custom Learning Communities to meet internal training needs.
Would you like to experience a Learning Community in action? Please contact Valerie Miller, Design2Train CEO. She’s happy to share our online coaching community portal for you to experience a real Learning Community in action.
eLearning courses and Learning Communities are valuable resource to help build your company internal product bench-strength as well as inform, educate, and communicate facts to your clients. Design2Train is an award-winning instructional design agency, founded in 2001. We specialize in managing and creating custom technical training programs. Our core staff is US-based but we partner with highly skilled teams in Mexico and Brazil to deliver authentic multi-lingual training.
Interested in learning more? Book an appointment and Let’s Talk.