Is Classroom Time Equal to eLearning Time?

As experienced eLearning instructional designers, we are often asked if there is a 1-to-1 correlation when converting existing facilitated training into online training.  The answer is NO.  Converting classroom training does NOT equal the same “seat time”.  When asked to estimate conversion time to eLearning training, here’s some of the factors we base our bid on.

Based on experience in converting hundreds of hours of training to the web, we have discovered that an 8-hour (or one day) training is actually the equivalent of about 4-6 hours of eLearning, depending upon the course complexity.  Why?  Classroom instruction is a different modality including many “non-instructional time-based activities” such as:

  • Classroom management activities including roll calls and general instructions
  • Time spent on building a comfortable learning environments with individual student introductions
  • Meal or stretch breaks
  • Student questions during classroom lessons or planned Q&A sessions
  • Built-in “dead time” to provide extra time for all to complete activities without feeling rushed
  • And bloviating instructors who going off on personal opinion tangents

eLearning can be designed as 100% instruction because it  bypasses “non-instructional” events, thus reducing “seat time” and delivering instruction from the first screen.  By working with company subject matter experts (SMEs) and experienced instructional designer (eLearning expert) can ask the right questions to build a training program that truly delivers on the intended instructional promise.

Just using the same old training curriculum will not work.  If you want to deliver a good eLearning experience, revamping existing PowerPoint presentations takes time working with SMEs to determine the specific audience training needs are defined. Then within that framework, review classroom training by determining what is relevant or Need-to-Know versus just Good-to-Know information.  This is also the time to determine if there are updates or revisions along with identifying “information gaps”.  Then based upon the SME review findings, the instructional designer can provide a good estimate on the actual eLearning experience “seat time” to include topics and number of interactive lessons.

Need to revamp your training?  Visit Design2Train to book an appointment, let’s talk.