Be The Project Lead, Not a Training Developer WannaBe!

 eLearning Project Tip 23-6: Be The Project Lead, Not a Training Developer Wanna Be!

How do you control costs, deliver your first successful eLearning project, and still earn the red cape of newbie eLearning superhero?

Just because you can use PowerPoint and take iPhone videos does NOT make you a Training Professional. Can you successfully deliver an eLearning project if you DO NOT have a training background? YES. BUT YOU NEED HELP!

What is your primary role? Serve as the Project Manager. No, you don’t need to be a “real certified project manager”. But you have been entrusted by your company to serve as the eLearning project lead, to get the job done. Your role is to focus on managing the company assets (people, technology, products) and ensure critical project tasks are completed for On-Time and On-Budget launch.

BIG HINT: Consider enrolling in a project management coaching program that provides a Quick Start (1-day) and complete mentoring throughout your project lifecycle, which should take no more than 90 days to complete. And you will need to hire an eLearning expert, known as a Project Content Lead (PCL) who manages all content related tasks including supervising the production team. Tag-teaming means that you can get the eLearning project done right while keeping up on your REAL JOB. Together with the PCL, you can easily launch your complex eLearning project ON-time and ON-budget.

 Learn more about our approach to eLearning project management. It just makes sense and saves time, energy, money and your sanity. Check out PLAN239 at:

What’s Your eLearning Project Confidence Level?

Managing your First eLearning Project?
What is your current confidence level?  Clueless, Cautious, Ready or Hero?

Did you know that 80% of our clients are busy smart professionals are actually Clueless to what it takes to manage big eLearning projects? They need help. So, instead of wasting weeks or months focused on eLearning theory, what if you could invest in program that has a quick start 90-minute lesson, giving you the project roadmap, tools and confidence to start managing your project Day-1 without negatively disrupting you real job? – How do we do this? It’s all baked into our unique Design Risk Management Phase.

Would you say you are Cautious, perhaps recovering from a bad project experience? Training industry research shows 80% eLearning projects FAIL  So you were just a statistic, with the odds stacked against you. But what if you could turn the tables and achieve success on this project?  And learn to manage the entire project with the help of a co-lead eLearning expert? Well, we have the solution. Its time to get back in the saddle and do your eLearning project , the RIGHT way this time.

Do you consider yourself Ready? Typically, 20% of our clients have produced a short training video or small course, but they don’t have a clue on how to manage a complex program.  By complex we are talking multi-day instruction to multiple audiences, perhaps even global distribution in multiple languages for onboarding, new product introduction, leadership skills or professional certification.  Quit trying to piece together a process with electronic bailing wire and duct tape, when on Day-1 coaching we hand over the process roadmap packet with time-saving ready-to-fill templates, documents and most important, match you with an eLearning partner to handle all content production and staff.

Or are you an eLearning Hero who’s moved to a new organization?  Congrats! Quickly build a new strategy using our plan that helps you incorporates all new corporate assets and resources efficiently. Oh, and you have access to our unique coaching portal, to access all program assets 24×7. Let’s face it, this process is just like having your project on cruise control, all you have to do is steer it to the finish line.

So, no matter where you are on the eLearning confidence pyramid, we have the transformative process to building skills and your eLearning HERO status.  Oh, and by the way…. There’s even more value and the savings just keep on coming,  since you can re-cycle the process and templated materials for all future training projects.  So what’ s the process? It’s called PLAN239.  > Learn more